Welcome to Sparkling Homes Cleaning Services

Sparkling Homes provide trained, experienced and insured staff to your house cleaning in Bellevue.

Saturday 1 November 2014

How to Hire a House Cleaning Agent

Hiring a cleaning service or a home cleaner can help make your home clean and your life easy. Big cleaning companies suit your need when you have a large square foot of area. For smaller homes, hiring an individual is good but you have to comply with his/her schedule.

For first timers, who are engaging cleaning agents or companies, the experience will be overwhelming. You are allowing strangers to view all the dirty laundry of your home. So, if you are based in Bellevue and are looking for best Bellevue House cleaning service, you must consider the following issues:

•    Good communication: if you feel free to tell all your needs and expectations to the home cleaner, this is good. If you are intimidated by the personality of the cleaner, this is certainly not good. Remember that cleaners are human and will miss things to do in your home. But, if you get a snooty response from the cleaner when you point out a legitimate mistake, it is better not to use their service. After all, there must be scope for two-way communication.

•    Mutual trust: When something goes missing, the first person to blame is the housekeeper. To avoid unpleasant experiences, make sure the cleaning company has done background checks on its employees. Also, if you have had a bad experience once, you need not be suspicious of every new cleaner; he or she must be given a chance. You can request the company for local and federal screenings of background of its employee.

•    Price: You can make use of price competition. Most companies for home cleaning in Bellevue tend to have similar prices but you can shop around. Get quotes from some companies simply by calling them. Large companies do a complete cleaning from top to bottom and present bill. But most of us cannot work without drawing budget. Medium companies are the best bet; they have a moderate pricing, are insured and provide value for money.

•    Products used: It is better to let cleaners to use cleaning equipment and supplies of their choice. They will have knowledge and experience of what works the best. So, it is less costly and less of a headache for you.


•    Get references: Consult neighbors, family, friends, etc for references of a good company. You can even search online using services like your facebook community.

•    Bonded and Insured: Skipping this issue can set you back by millions. A company must carry both worker’s compensation insurance and liability as minimum. Request for proof. Particularly workers compensation is vital as without it, you could be charged with responsibility for job related injuries such as lifelong disability. You may be charged for an accident inside your home or even during a journey headed to your home. Home owner’s insurance may not cover such emergencies.
These are some of the issues you must take into consideration before hiring cleaning service in Bellevue.

Blogger’s bio: She is a work-at- home mum, who moonlights as a freelance writer for many websites like http://www.sparklinghomes.biz. She is based in Bellevue, Washington. She writes about the various services available in this suburb of Seattle like best Bellevue house cleaning service.

Tips for hiring house cleaning services

If you are a tired homemaker in Bellevue, who has to handle both career and home, your one sure bet to ease your burden is a professional home cleaning service. However, hiring a home cleaning service like Bellevue house cleaning is not a smooth ride and is fraught with dangers.

How to make sure that you are hiring the right home cleaners? Here are some pointers;
•    Consider several options: You must interview more than one potential service. If you are dealing with one individual cleaner, you must establish a comfort level with him/her. If you are dealing with a large company, enquire whether they rotate staff or send the same person consistently. The same person has the advantage that she will be familiar with items in your home that need cleaning and do not need fresh instructions every time.


•    Ensure person or agency is insured and licensed: If they break something while cleaning, will it be repaired or replaced? Who will bear the responsibility of medical bills if the cleaner is accidentally injured in your home? Be clear on what your home insurance covers.

•    Make evident the scope of the contract: Are you on the look for single, monthly, bi weekly or weekly service from the company? What all need to be dusted or vacuumed or washed or mopped? Are there extra charges for cleaning refrigerators and wooden flooring?

•     Clear statement of price: The Company must, at the outset itself, make explicit the price it is going to charge for its services. Ensure there are no hidden costs. Make sure the individual you are hiring are paying their taxes. Consult an accountant to make certain that you are only subcontracting the services of a person and not hiring as an employee. This is crucial as it has tax implications for you.

•    Inform about phobias and allergies: Those who keep unusual pets like snakes and white mice must inform the company beforehand lest the cleaner suffers an unpleasant surprise. Also, if there is need for cleaning the bird cage or dog litter, you must inform the company as such duties may come for extra cost.

•    Responsibility of cleaning supplies and equipment: Sometime you may want cleaners to use cleaning agents of your choice. But, usually, it is better to let the cleaners bring in their own cleaning agents as they will have a better idea of what works the best for the various surfaces that they have to clean. So leave the choice to the experts like agents for house cleaning in Bellevue.

•    Discuss how many cleaners will be involved: Having cleaned you home, you will have an idea of how long it will take. It is better to have 2 or more workers working for a few hours in your home rather than assign the duty to a single person who needs to work the whole day and who may suffer as a result from fatigue.

These are some of the considerations while choosing house cleaner in Bellevue.

Blogger's bio: She is a freelance blogger and article writer. Her main areas of interest are fashion and good housekeeping. She contributes articles on cleaning and homecare on topics such as house cleaning in Bellevue to websites like http://www.sparklinghomes.biz.

Monday 22 September 2014

Importance credentials for selecting good house cleaning services

Selection of cleaning services, in developed cities like Bellevue, can be a challenge. It is important to realize some really important selection factors and their impact on decision making. This increases our attention towards the selection of best Bellevue house cleaning services.

The primarily important factor of consideration is reputation. The reputation of the house cleaning company is extremely important. Reputation not only reflects the perception of customers, it represents the trust and faith it has created amongst its customers. It is important to consider famous and reputed company providing home cleaning in Bellevue, to ensure our home is serviced to our expectation.

Long term commitment is ensured by these reputed firms. They do not thrive on one time cleaning revenues, they tend to build long term relationships, and hence, there services are quite reliable as compared to other local service providers. From customer’s point of view, cleaning is an activity, which a customer engages at least twice a year. Thus, he wants to ensure long term commitment and does not want to invest search time in vain.

Cost considerations

Cost is an important factor of consideration. Cleaning may actually depend on the size of the house. People with large mansions and bungalows need to invest some time, in captivating best rates, for the cleaning expenses. Small deviations here and there could cost them big. House cleaning in Bellevue is certainly not a cheap affair.

The best thing an individual can do to minimize costs is to consider some quality household cleaning service providers, which are centralized by a reputed home company, but use the local cleaners for facilitating services. These services can be efficient and cheap at the same time. They hold liability of reputation and quality of locals.

Technological advancements

Nowadays, house cleaning requires some technology, which can be as basic as a vacuum cleaner. These technologically advanced items are really essential for an efficient cleaning. They reduce the chances of mishandling of some precious items and reduce the chances of big damages, which cannot be expressed in the terms of money. Thus, an individual should also look for the type of cleaning equipment when selecting house cleaning services.

Insurance and other documents

Cleaners from some local companies may pose serious safety threats. Our houses are exposed to the individuals, who are involved in the cleaning process. There are equivalent chances of some damages while cleaning. Hence, insurance and some verified documents of the cleaners are essential for gaining trust on the cleaning agencies and their employees.

Quality of work and satisfaction

At the end of the day, what matters is the quality of work. Reputation and other factors become secondary over the quality of the work. The companies, which tend to cater to the customer’s satisfaction and render customized services to satisfy them, are essential. These companies are few in number, but, once identified, they can be trusted for a long period of time.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

A solution to all your house cleaning worries

In today’s fast paced life, people are pressed for time and can hardly make time for a complete clean up around the house. That’s when it becomes essential to use the services offered by the cleaning industry. There are many Bellevue House Cleaning service providers. It is important to identify the reputed ones.

Finding and keeping the important items when hiring a house cleaning service

Firstly, it’s very essential to consult the house cleaning service that you have faith in and can trust. Trust should begin with you, the owners and then filter down to the cleaning technicians who will perform the actual cleaning services that you require. Also, keep in mind if the company performs an in-house tour to help the client see that they are honest and sincere, dedicated, and knowledgeable about what they do.

Does the company perform a background check before it hires its employees is also an important criteria one should consider. Does the company try to send the same cleaning technician to the same clients? This goes a long way in building the trust. These small steps begin the process of forming a long lasting and trusting relationship with the client and the cleaning service company. 

·            Keeping yourself well protected when using a house cleaning service is important 

Make it your priority to be certain that the company is carrying all the appropriate and necessary insurances. Any home cleaning service which is worth hiring will carry a liability insurance to protect your home furnishings in case of breakage. While discussing insurance, be absolutely certain that the home cleaning company you use  for your home carries a bonding insurance on their employees, which will protect you in case of a theft.

Even with the best screening that’s undertaken, occasionally someone who is dishonest might have slipped through the screening process. Be sure that the house cleaning service has all the necessary insurances to insure that you have complete peace of mind when they arrive to care for your home.

·            Other important things to consider

There are several other factors that should be considered when selecting a house cleaning service. Few are important to some consumers and not so much to others. A few things to be considered are- what are the chemicals which will be used; will you be getting the same cleaning technician every time; what are the policies that concern work which you are not satisfied with; will you get the same service times and the days; what are the cancellation policies of a particular company; how often and how big are the price increases; and how frequently can the house cleaning service come to clean for you.

By implying the above factors during the decision making process, one can select the best company of House Cleaning Bellevue while you have a peace of mind regarding the cleaning process at the same time.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Tips for House Cleaning

House Cleaning Bellevue: We all would want to revisit your house which is fresh and also odors fresh. Even so, approximately you want to perform individuals themselves, that is probably not achievable due to hectic daily activities. Once we tend to be consequently in short supply of time period therefore a lot in our menu everyday, home cleaning task can be quite a job and also hiring support can be quite expensive.

 This is why why many of us search for support from dependable specialists just like Bellevue House cleaning service providers that are not simply effective in just what that they perform, the ethics and also complete professionalism will be why is these individuals a real wanted services regarding specific cleansing agents.

The House Cleaning Bellevue in addition helps ensure excellent assistance and also value for your money. Here are some great things about hiring expert cleansing agents to help complete the task.

The item will save time and effort

Even though you will discover quite a few items that you could postpone and soon you include the perfect time to get it done, nonetheless, some such things as washing your house cannot be disregarded and also have to be used up every day.

After you employ an expert washing assistance, you are able to feel comfortable that whenever an individual go back home, the house is going to be sparkling fresh and you will probably not need to help bother about washing that again. It is extremely time period keeping as you spend that time within performing something more important which is much more positive.


Friday 29 August 2014

Professionals House Cleaning Bellevue Service

Clean house is a healthy house

Professionals like House Cleaning Bellevue service providers know exactly the importance of keeping the house clean. If you live in a house that is full of dirt particles and dust mites, your breathing can get affected and you may even start to feel ill after some time. The asthma or bronchitis patients will have a hard time when they do not get quality air to breathe, not even inside the house. The regular cleaning is absolutely necessary for your own health, as well as those of others living with you. 

Very cost effective

When you hire a professional maid, it would be economical in the long run for you. You would save a lot of money as you don’t need to buy the additional things to keep your house clean. Every tool that is required for the cleaning of the house is provided by a cleaning company and you do not need to spend additional penny for cleaning products. 

We would all like a little help when it comes to cleaning of the house. The professional cleaners are a very good option for people that have tight work schedules. When you hire a professional, it is their responsibility to give you a spotless clean house every day.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Best Bellevue House Cleaning

Washing connected with residence can be an difficult activity, in particular, for females who have to help juggle their own job along with family. Nevertheless there are lots of cleaning solutions out there, which will provide the support connected with residence cleaning for the fee. Selecting the right business has become a struggle with the many solutions accessible.

Choosing the top connected with house cleaning with Bellevue? Here are a few tips:

Obtain references

 An excellent cleaning business can have a lot of prepared references to the excellent function they've got performed. It truly is excellent to test 2-3 references and pay attention to if the business can be successful in their function. Many consumers will likely be content to produce recommendations.
Decide about the regions to get washed: Before you really approach the organization, make a note of each of the regions, that you intend to always be washed.

 From carrying out the bathroom to help cleaning cobwebs and the normal dusting, cleaning along with traveling across, help make a listing of regions you should clear. You'll be able to small lower about businesses offering most of these solutions.

Avoid businesses that are not really bonded or even covered: In case any goods usually are harmed or perhaps a thieves comes about or even maid suffers injuries over the cleaning practice in your house, it will be a headache available for you if your business is not bonded or even covered. Consequently stay clear of this kind of businesses with regard to residence cleaning with Bellevue.

Employee verification: Verify if the cleaning business features executed careful background record checks about it's employees. They have to always be examined with regard to authorized residency, criminal background verify or even illicit medication employ. You should stay clear of unsavory people to help have accessibility to essentially the most seductive elements of your home about the pretext connected with cleaning.

Obtain a free assessment:

You'll be able to get using a staff on the business to see your property along with consider stock on the function to get performed. They can and then provide an answer if the business could take on the mandatory function along with simply how much it'll cost. When the business can be reluctant to help post the consultant free of charge assessment, there exists usually something drastically wrong along with be cautious not to give your business to this type of business.

Flat fee: Get a business that will charge a designated fee rather than each hour fee. A new each hour support will frequently wait the work in order to achieve much more revenue.

Do not really be put into to the lowest priced support: For top Bellevue house cleaning, tend not to be put into to the lowest priced support. A cheap support won't be successful and may lower corners about the cleaning items and also level connected with cleaning performed.

Enquire about cleaning providers

For those who have considerations similar to young children, animals along with allergies, you will need to notify the organization about most of these in order to talk with safe and sound cleaning providers along with chemical compounds. When the business can be lingering about having a unique style of chemical compounds, and then you should reconsider.

Reliability along with honesty

The corporation must produce reliable along with sincere support. You'll need not really worry. In the matter of the maid taking place tired depart or even any other pretext, a quick alternative need to be identified to continue with the function in your house.

These are generally several strategies for picking out the best Bellevue House cleaning support.

Friday 15 August 2014

How to Choose the Right Cleaning Service

Cleaning of home is an arduous task, especially, for women who have to juggle their career and family. But there are numerous cleaning services out there, which will provide the service of home cleaning for a fee. Choosing the right company has become a difficult task with the thousands of services available.

How to choose the best of house cleaning in Bellevue? Here are some pointers:
·          Request for references: A good cleaning company will have many ready references for the good work they have done. It is good to check on 2-3 references and find out whether the company is efficient in their work. Many customers will be happy to provide referrals.

·         Decide on the areas to be cleaned: Before you actually approach the company, make a note of all the areas, which you wish to be cleaned. From doing the dishes to cleaning cobwebs and the usual dusting, mopping and sweeping, make a list of areas you need to clean. You can narrow down on companies that offer these services.

·         Avoid companies that are not bonded or insured: If any items are damaged or a theft occurs or maid suffers injury during the cleaning process in your home, it will become a headache for you if the company is not bonded or insured. So avoid such companies for home cleaning in Bellevue.
·         Employee screening: Check whether the cleaning company has carried out scrupulous background checks on its employees. They must be checked for legal residency, criminal background check or  illicit drug use. You will want to avoid unsavory persons to have access to the most intimate parts of your home on the pretext of cleaning.

·          Ask for a free consultation: You can request for having a staff of the company to visit your home and take stock of the work to be done. He can then provide an answer whether the company can undertake the necessary work and how much it will cost. If the company is reluctant to send a representative for free consultation, there is usually something wrong and take care not to do business with such a company.
·         Flat fee:  Go for a company that will charge a flat fee rather than a per hour fee. A per hour service will often delay the work in order to garner more profit.

·         Do not go in for the cheapest service: For the best Bellevue house cleaning, do not go in for the cheapest service. A cheap service will not be efficient and will cut corners on the cleaning supplies as well as extent of cleaning done.

·         Enquire about cleaning agents: If you have concerns like children, pets and allergies, you must notify the company about these so that they can work with safe cleaning agents and chemicals. If the company is persistent about using its own type of chemicals, then you need to reconsider.
·         Reliability and honesty: The Company must provide reliable and honest service.  You need not worry. In the case of a maid going on sick leave or any other pretext, a quick replacement must be found to continue with the work in your home.

These are some tips for finding the perfect Bellevue House cleaning service.

Thursday 31 July 2014

How to Hire Cleaning Services in Bellevue

Asking the right questions to your potential house cleaning in Bellevue service will save you headache, money and time. Ask the following questions:

·         Are you insured and bonded? Forgetting to ask this question may be potentially a financial disaster for you. Minimum, a cleaning service company must have worker’s compensation insurance. Request for proof. Insurance is important as you will be held responsible for any job related injury during home cleaning in Bellevue.

·         What cleaning products do you use? Most of the time, it is better to let the cleaning agency use their own favorite products. This is so that they use what is most effective as per the years of experience they have gained in this field. But if you are fussy about the cleaning products to be used, you can let the company know in advance.

·         Do you have references?  Ask for references or do online research for best Bellevue house cleaning services. References of genuine former clients is most useful.

·         Do you screen employees? Insist that home cleaners have local and federal background screenings. A tough initial screening will get rid of all undesirable elements.

·         What about some training or certification? If the cleaning company has certification, it will be more reliable. There is certification by Association of Residential Cleaning Services International (ARCSI), which bestows a Seal of Excellence to those companies that stress on training, insurance and background checks.
·         What is the charge?  Most services of Bellevue house cleaning are charged by the hour. But it is better to get an estimate or quote with the first contact itself. It is ideal if you get a total quote rather than a by the hour rate. This helps you judge whether the service is within your budget.  If the company insists on a by the hour rate, set a ‘maximum limit’ price before them. It is best to hire the service by the job rather than by the hour.

·         What is to be done? Before the service people actually arrive at your home, make a detailed list of what needs to be cleaned and sorted. Make two copies of the list-one for you and one for the cleaning company.

·         Interview more than one company?  Ask around for reliable companies. If you are hiring from a big company, ask if they will send the same person for cleaning each time or whether they rotate staff. The advantage with sending the same person is that he or she will be familiar with your house.
·         Are your terms of payment explicit? 

      Make sure that there are no hidden costs. Take legal action to ensure you are hiring the service provider as an independent contractor and not as an employer.
·         How many people will be involved? Take stock of how many cleaners will arrive at your home to do the work. Remember that depending on only one person for an exhausting task will result in fatigue setting in and the cleaning will not be properly done.

These are some of the points to consider while hiring a cleaning service in Bellevue.