Welcome to Sparkling Homes Cleaning Services

Sparkling Homes provide trained, experienced and insured staff to your house cleaning in Bellevue.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Easy tips to clean your house!

The best home cleaning in Bellevue will provide you some amazing services and schemes to sanitize your house completely. It isn’t easy when it comes to making your home look tidy. Since you are at it, here are some easy household hacks to clean your house:

1. Did you know, you can clean your fridge with baking powder? Just wet a cloth and put some baking powder on it and wipe the fridge. It will look super clean and shine too. 
2. You can use soda, coke and other cold drinks to clean the toilets from inside. Just pour some in the pot and leave it for some time, after a while, flush it and see the magic. 
3. Remove scuff marks from your leather furniture’s with bananas. Take the banana peel and rub the inside part of the peel on your leather furniture and then wipe it with a cloth.
4. To remove any kind of stains in your sink, take a little salt and vinegar mixture and spread it well. Then rise with water and see the wonders.
5. Drain cleaning can be done with a little baking soda and vinegar. Mix these two and put them on the drainage, let it settle well and rinse it with hot water. All the food particles that were blocking the sewage will also go away.
6. To clean your washing machine from inside, add 2 cups of vinegar in it and let the water fill in. Make sure the water is hot. Then, after an hour, rinse it off. To clean the outsides of the machine, take baking powder and mix with little water and rub this mixture well on the exteriors. 
7. Use the old fashioned shaving foam (white based one) to clean the mirrors in your house. Apply the foam with the brush on the mirrors and wash it off well. All the stains will vanish away!
8. Clean small edges and corners with toothbrushes. Put a little foam of any soap or put a little shampoo and start washing the house.

So, start cleaning your house in the most inexpensive and awesome way. Use these tricks and once you realize you need help, then make your cleaning appointment and employ some special cleaners for the house! 
The professional cleaning services in Bellevue use the best products to maintain and cleanse your home. They will be your saviors and make your home look dazzling with their skills. They are expertly trained and will make sure your home is cleaned with professionalism and with quality methods. No matter what your needs are, they make sure to fulfill them for you. They have the best home cleaning Bellevue crew to solve your problems. So, hire Bellevue house cleaning services now!

Wednesday 1 April 2015

What questions are to be asked when searching for house cleaning services in Bellevue?

Before hiring House Cleaning Bellevue professionals, it is important for the home owner to look at the different aspects, so that the right one is selected.
It is the duty and responsibility of every home owner to have their home cleaned properly and thoroughly on a regular basis to keep out the dust, dirt, dangerous and harmful germs, infections and viruses out of the home. This is something that the individual cannot do for himself. This is because an ordinary vacuum cleaner would not prove to be much effective in removing all these elements and make the home completely dust and germ free. The home is the individual’s habitat, and, therefore, he needs to make sure that it gets sparkling clean so that every family member can enjoy living in it and also is appreciated and respected by visitors. There are numerous House Cleaning Bellevue companies that are offering top class cleaning services.

Questions to ask

There are several questions that one needs to ask before selecting a good and reliable provider.

Does the company provide qualified and skilled cleaning technicians? It is the cleaning technicians employed with the company who would be performing the work. Hence, proper attention needs to be given to check their qualification, experience, training and their excellence in handling different tasks. It is only the qualified and well trained technicians, who would be in a better position to handle all household items with great care and know what is to be done for having all the cleaning requirements of the client to be taken care of.

 .  Is the company insured and licensed? While trying to hire Bellevue House Cleaning services, one should not ignore this important aspect. The reason is because anything may take place at any point of time during cleaning process. Any unexpected accident might take place and the person would need to ensure that he does not end up liable for damages and injuries which occur. Working with a reputed, bonded, licensed, and insured cleaning company can be rest assured that all unexpected situations are adequately taken care of by the cleaning company itself.

 .  Cleaning plans: The plans and services offered by the company should be convenient to the individual as per his schedule. A reliable and reputed company would have various packages to suit the client and be flexible enough for working with the individual preferences by offering customized cleaning solutions that are more specific to the requirements. Most companies tend to offer bi-weekly or even weekly cleaning services. Hence, adequate time is to be taken for considering the options available when trying to select a cleaning company.

  .  Distance of the company: It is always better to work with a company providing house cleaning in Bellevue that is nearby. This is because a local company would be quite familiar with special local pollutants and contaminants requiring specialized cleaning for eliminating it in the best possible manner.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Helpful tips to choose the best Bellevue House Cleaning services

Choosing a good Bellevue House Cleaning service can prove to be a challenge, given the fact that there are plenty of agencies that offer such services. What the individual needs to understand that he is employing a home cleaning service for entering the most exclusive and intimate space and working with the most important possessions. Therefore, it is necessary for the person to ensure that the cleaning service is a reliable one, having immense reputation in the market and offers cost effective solutions.

Tips to select a good House Cleaning Bellevue service?

   . Is the cleaning agency insured and bonded? It is an important question that needs to be known before hiring one. While the residential proper insurance extends some protection against any individual being hurt on the residential property, it could be limited. However, insurance coverage of the professional home cleaner can help the home owner to alleviate his risks. At least they need to have basic liability policy, full coverage automobile and workman’s payment. Working with a professional house cleaner is required to be completely headache free. A good service provider is sure to offer documents related to the same on request. Whereas, bonding is regarded to be an assurance against any acts of dishonesty if done by service supplier along with those in their use. Providers having bond are more likely to have their employees screened extensively and also have loss and fraud prevention policy in proper place.

   . Would an assurance be provided? There are many maid service suppliers, who are said not to have any type of formal written assurance. Only a strong guarantee is likely to offer the person with thorough re-cleaning of items that are found deficient in the set up cleaning, by contacting the provider within specified time frame that is usually about 24 hours.

    . How their staff members are paid? The service provider needs to bear all taxes related to the service and not pass it on to the customers. It is also equally important to avoid those businesses that are known to pay their employees substandard earnings and carry out abuses and other unethical work practices like hiring undocumented employees. These things could prove to be socially and economically harming to the person as an outcome. It would be essential to select an organization, which pays the staffs on time and correctly, pays all neighborhood and federal employment taxes. Such companies could charge a bit more, however, the person can be rest assured to have honesty and sincerity on the part of the service provider and from the employees as the valuables and lives of the family members should not be put in stake.

Apart from all these, the provider needs to boast of having modern equipment and tools to carry out the work efficiently, have the employees trained adequately to perform different activities and use the tools in the right manner.

Saturday 14 February 2015

4 Ideas to spend Valentine at home

Valentine's Day holds a lot of pressure for both men and women. Given the way our society operates, it has become a fashion to spend Valentine’s Day buying gifts and flowers and making extravagant gestures of love. But it needn't be that way at all. If you would rather spend the day at home and go beyond the roses and restaurants tradition (which has been done to death, we agree) then these ideas for a romantic date at home might help you:

1. Have a house picnic

Well, why not? A romantic dinner is always a good idea and if you can arrange one at home, you would be saving up of money as well as ensuring privacy. First of all, you need to find a good company for home cleaning in Bellevue. Your house will smell fresh and nice and you can then arrange the decor the way you want for a cozy dinner for two.

2. Plan a spa day

Have a relaxed Valentine by creating a spa day for the two of you. Start by hiring the best Bellevue house cleaning service to deep clean all the nooks and corners of your house. Then, buy spa essentials that will help you make the day special - scented candles, essential aromatherapy oils, bath salts or rose petals. Draw a hot bath that will help you both relax and wash off the day's worries. And yes, don't forget to have a bottle of the bubbly ready for when you come out of the bath and wish to connect over a drink or two.

3. Order in and have fun

Sometimes we forget how the simple things can bring so much pleasure. This year, leave behind the lure of neon-lit shopping streets and instead bond over your favorite movies and dinner at home. Rent your favorite DVDs, order some fabulous food and have the home theater ready for a marathon movie run. Don't forget to prepare the couch with lots of cozy pillows and throws for a long lounge night.

4. Watch the sunset and stars

If your house has a terrace or a sundeck, you are in for a starry treat. Star gazing is a wonderfully romantic and fun when you do it with someone you love and again, it is one of those simple pleasures of life that we often forget to indulge in. You may have to do some heavy lifting as you move furniture around and make space for the two of you, but at the end of the night, it would all have been worth it for sure.

Remember, the key to having a great Valentine is to connect with your partner and do something you both enjoy. You don't need to go broke planning a Valentine - just do something that will bring both of you closer and remind you of why you are in love, together.

This Valentine, give your house a loving makeover!

Having your own home is an important part of living the dream life. But having your own place also means you have to care for it yourself. Timely care can keep your lovely abode from falling into disrepair. But most importantly, by investing in your home, you will only be using the time and energy to create a place you can enjoy returning to every day - a place that reflects your personality and is the culmination of all your dreams and desires. So this Valentine's Day, use these easy ideas to love and care for your home. Trust us; your home will love you back for this!

1. Clean your home, thoroughly

We know that, as a home-owner, you love keeping your place neat and clean. But there are nooks and corners that can get ignored and these can become breeding grounds for pests and allergy-causing germs. Every once in a while a house needs a deep clean, and you can either do it yourself or so choose a good Bellevue house cleaning company for this. And then, all you need to do is lay back and watch your house sparkle and shine with expert efforts from a reputed House cleaning in Bellevue service.

2. Accessorise

If you love your home, you probably never tire of decorating it. Use the Valentine’s excuse to buy some new decor for your home, or to move things around and create a new look. If you had ever wanted to try out a new decor idea, now is the time to do so. Alternatively, you can start prepping your house for the summer. Bring out the floral curtains, the lace and chintz, and get your home ready to welcome summer in style.

3. Bring the romance into the bedroom

The bedroom is an important part of the house. Revive the decor in this room with a new bedspread that inspires a romantic and cosy atmosphere. Throw in some pillows for a layered look and to make your bed more comfortable to snuggle into. Add fresh flowers and some mood lighting into the mix and enjoy the difference!

4. Redo the kitchen

If you want to be cooking meals that your family can enjoy, it only makes sense to create a space for yourself where you can enjoy dishing up fabulous meals. There is a saying about how food made with love tastes way better than anything else. And it's true. So ensure that your kitchen is up to the mark by adding some colour to the area. Choose a cheerful and vibrant backsplash full of character, which can also act as an instant mood brightener, or put some new cupboards to make things more accessible and easier to clean up. Your kitchen and your family will thank you for it.

So this Valentine's Day, use these easy ideas to love and care for your home. Trust us; your home will love you back for this!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Best Bellevue House Cleaning

We offer worry-free cleaning services that are ALWAYS designed around your company’s specific needs. We do it all:

Restroom Cleaning & Disinfecting
Garbage Removal & Recycling
Stair & Elevator Cleaning
Sweeping, Mopping & Polishing of Floors
Entrances, Reception Areas & Foyers
Wipe & Disinfect Doorknobs, Telephones, & Light Switches
Kitchens & Lounge Areas (Sinks, Countertops, Microwaves, Toasters & Refrigerators)
Horizontal Surface Dusting
Floor Dusting (Wet Mop & Machine Scrubbing)
High Dusting
Stripping & Refinishing
Sanitizing ALL Restroom Fixtures, Partitions, Sinks, Walls, Etc.
Window Washing & Blind Cleaning
Light Fixtures, Base Boards, Etc.
Call NOW at (253) 861-6463

Email id:-  Best Bellevue House Cleaning